Monday 22 August 2011

Eat Stop Eat (Intermittent Fasting)

I was recently introduced to the subject called "Eat Stop Eat" by a good friend who is about to embark on this journey of Intermittent Fasting. Before I started reading the material that was mailed to me, I thought to myself, "Not another DIET." I've been in the fitness industry for over 12 years and I've seen diets come... and diets GO!

But the more I read about Intermittent Fasting, the MORE I wanted to read and find out what exactly Eat Stop Eat or Intermittent Fasting was all about. This topic now had ALL my attention.

It's by no means a Diet. It's a Way of Life! People all around the world Fast because of religious beliefs. So fasting is not New nor is it an abnormal thing to do. Quite simply, Intermittent Fasting is allowing yourself to stay without food once or twice a week for a period of 24hrs. This has to be done in conjunction with a good exercise program (Weight Training as well as Cardio) and if you stick to it you should see GREAT results. You HAVE to also follow a sensable eating plan. There are so many health reasons why we all should try this, (weight loss being only 1 of the many) but I'm not going to get into it all, otherwise I'll be blogging till next year :-) I have the book, so if you would like to know a bit more about it, drop me a mail & I'll fill you in on Eat Stop Eat & what it takes for YOU to lose the weight & look GOOD!

I have a test subject who is going to give it a trial run for 1 month and I will be blogging about her results and also how she is coping with this Program. So I'll be blogging about Intermittent Fasting for the next month...and possibly longer :-)

Here are her Stats:
Age 38
Weight 70.1kg
Height 1.65m
Goal weight 60kg

Shoulders:          100cm  
Bust:                      92cm
Waist:                     72cm    
Biceps:                  32cm
Hips:                      99cm    
Upper Thigh:        58cm
Lower Thigh:        45cm
Calf:                       37,5cm

She'll be fasting on Sunday/Monday 13:00 to 13:00 and then probably doing another 18hr fast Thursday/Friday 13:30 – 08:00ish.

She will be doing 3 to 6 cardio sessions per week and 3 weight training sessions per week!

I wish her ALL the BEST and look forward to seeing the GREAT Results :-)

Next update on her weight is on Monday 29 August

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